Tisha b'Av with Rahmana
You are invited to gather with Rahmana for the last sliver of Tisha b’Av,
the time when we are deepest into the cycle of grief and beginning to emerge from it.
We’ll gather for learning and song, Tuesday, August 13th, 7:15-8:30pm (the fast ends at 8:33pm - we’ll have light break fast fare).
Please invite friends to join us.
Have anyone planning to come RSVP for location
In the Hilltop neighborhood, address shared following registration.
You are invited to gather with Rahmana for the last sliver of Tisha b’Av,
the time when we are deepest into the cycle of grief and beginning to emerge from it.
We’ll gather for learning and song, Tuesday, August 13th, 7:15-8:30pm (the fast ends at 8:33pm - we’ll have light break fast fare).
Please invite friends to join us.
Have anyone planning to come RSVP for location
In the Hilltop neighborhood, address shared following registration.
Please plan to join us
Thursday, June 13, Second day Shavuot, 8:30-10:15am
Join us for arriving through a melody 8:30-8:45,
Shacharit and Hallel starting at 8:45
followed by kiddush at 10:15
We will be in the backyard if weather allows
We will end davening in time to attend yizkor, the memorial service,
with other communities
Thank you to Dalia Caplan for sponsoring flowers in honor of her father's shloshim. May the neshama of Yakar Betzalel ben Yosef HaCohen have and aliya.
Sponsorship is still available for kiddush!
Rav Hannah will be traveling and teaching this summer, pausing Rahmana programs until August.
Join us for davening in the Fall, starting with shacharit on August 17.
Falling in Love with Leviticus:
Midrash and Art-Making
March 26 | 7-9pm
What makes for extraordinary intimacy and power while in right relationship? We’ll explore midrashim from Vayikra Rabba expounding on textual hints about Moses’ connection with God, engaging an art process inspired by the Jewish Studio Project.
Midrash and Art-Making
March 26 | 7-9pm
What makes for extraordinary intimacy and power while in right relationship? We’ll explore midrashim from Vayikra Rabba expounding on textual hints about Moses’ connection with God, engaging an art process inspired by the Jewish Studio Project.
Why Immersive? Rahmana immersives allow for profound sustained inward attention, and also a sustained taste of a resourced version of ourselves: of how we could be – in our spiritual lives, in community, and as a community.
Why the Omer? The omer marks the time from Passover to Shavuot, the agricultural window from the ripening of barley to the ripening of wheat, the mythic calendar movement from Redemption to Revelation, and the mystical movement to refine the many parts of the personality, from capacity for abundant kindness to making things manifest in the world.
Following the invention of the microscope, cubism arose as an art form, based on the understanding that the whole is made of many parts. The process of the Omer has a similar principle: moving through mystical qualities through the omer allows us to focus on one small part at a time, to develop a richer internal system and relational self.
Join us for any or all of these gatherings, each rooted in teachings of the Omer.
Evening of Song: Yisrael of Wrestling and Dreaming
Yom HaAtzma'ut
Tuesday, May 14th, 7:30-8:45pm
Our Evening of Song this Tuesday, May 14, 7:30-8:45pm, falls at the end of Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel's Independence Day). I want to give a sense of what it will look like, as this feels for many like a tenuous time to be in newish community, in relationship with Israel. We will mostly sing - some melodies in relation to the omer, some in relation to this time (min hametzar, calling out in time of difficulty; blessing for tal, dew, which we pray for this time of year, through the summer - asking for the gentle availability of water and all that is needed; and some common Rahmana melodies); we will have time for journaling about where we're at on this Yom HaAtzmaut, with the opportunity to share some of our reflections with a chevruta. I'll share Torah of the legacies of Jacob/Israel as a dreamer and as a wrestler, and a reflection on this day of the omer, in this time from Passover to Shavuot.
Shabbat morning, May 18, 8:30-10am
Shacharit followed by kiddush
Omer Learning Immersive: To Belong to Spiritual Time
May 19, 10am-5pm
We’ll gather to learn Yemima Avital z''l’s torah of
the inner landscape for the counting of the Omer.
"A week seems like a long time and sometimes like a short time,
a week is enough time to build something clear...
To belong to spiritual time...Accept partial-ness, to belong to God"
Tentative Schedule:
10: Arrival
10:30: Introduction to The Omer and Yemima's frame: Belong to Spiritual Time
12: Lunch & a walk
1:15: Mincha
2: Abundant love and marking boundaries: cultivating the qualities of this time
3: Crafting the sefirot
4:30: Closing
The day will include delicious homemade kosher food. Bring a journal and pen.
In the Hilltop neighborhood, location(s) shared following registration.
Why the Omer? The omer marks the time from Passover to Shavuot, the agricultural window from the ripening of barley to the ripening of wheat, the mythic calendar movement from Redemption to Revelation, and the mystical movement to refine the many parts of the personality, from capacity for abundant kindness to making things manifest in the world.
Following the invention of the microscope, cubism arose as an art form, based on the understanding that the whole is made of many parts. The process of the Omer has a similar principle: moving through mystical qualities through the omer allows us to focus on one small part at a time, to develop a richer internal system and relational self.
Join us for any or all of these gatherings, each rooted in teachings of the Omer.
Evening of Song: Yisrael of Wrestling and Dreaming
Yom HaAtzma'ut
Tuesday, May 14th, 7:30-8:45pm
Our Evening of Song this Tuesday, May 14, 7:30-8:45pm, falls at the end of Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel's Independence Day). I want to give a sense of what it will look like, as this feels for many like a tenuous time to be in newish community, in relationship with Israel. We will mostly sing - some melodies in relation to the omer, some in relation to this time (min hametzar, calling out in time of difficulty; blessing for tal, dew, which we pray for this time of year, through the summer - asking for the gentle availability of water and all that is needed; and some common Rahmana melodies); we will have time for journaling about where we're at on this Yom HaAtzmaut, with the opportunity to share some of our reflections with a chevruta. I'll share Torah of the legacies of Jacob/Israel as a dreamer and as a wrestler, and a reflection on this day of the omer, in this time from Passover to Shavuot.
Shabbat morning, May 18, 8:30-10am
Shacharit followed by kiddush
Omer Learning Immersive: To Belong to Spiritual Time
May 19, 10am-5pm
We’ll gather to learn Yemima Avital z''l’s torah of
the inner landscape for the counting of the Omer.
"A week seems like a long time and sometimes like a short time,
a week is enough time to build something clear...
To belong to spiritual time...Accept partial-ness, to belong to God"
Tentative Schedule:
10: Arrival
10:30: Introduction to The Omer and Yemima's frame: Belong to Spiritual Time
12: Lunch & a walk
1:15: Mincha
2: Abundant love and marking boundaries: cultivating the qualities of this time
3: Crafting the sefirot
4:30: Closing
The day will include delicious homemade kosher food. Bring a journal and pen.
In the Hilltop neighborhood, location(s) shared following registration.
Rahmana davening is an intimate
prayer gathering of women
Shacharit followed by kiddush
משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה
The month of Adar comes and joy increases!
"Joy -- it’s proof of cleansing, of life itself."
- Yemima Avital z''l
For our davening in Adar, we will invite joy and a Purim-friendly practice
of including chant in our prayer -
a little less cognitive,
a little closer to an עד דלא ידע awareness
Saturday, April 6, 8:30-10am
Rahmana davening is an intimate
prayer gathering of women
Shacharit followed by kiddush
משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה
The month of Adar comes and joy increases!
"Joy -- it’s proof of cleansing, of life itself."
- Yemima Avital z''l
For our davening in Adar, we will invite joy and a Purim-friendly practice
of including chant in our prayer -
a little less cognitive,
a little closer to an עד דלא ידע awareness
Saturday, April 6, 8:30-10am
Tu b'Shvat: Rooting Inward
A Virtual Mini-Immersive
Thursday, January 25th
9-11:30am Pacific / 11-1:30 Central /12-2:30pm Eastern
With Naama Sadan and R. Hannah Kapnik Ashar
During the cold of winter, and this celebration of the new year of the trees,
we'll gather virtually, over Zoom, to explore and build on a feminine approach to Jewish spirituality,
looking more deeply at the spiritual tools that guide us to move between the inner seasons.
Bring a journal and a pen.
Recommended donation for the the mini-immersive is $36-180.
We ask that everyone contribute something.
Contribute through Venmo to @Hannah-Ashar or through our tax-deductible donation page
A Virtual Mini-Immersive
Thursday, January 25th
9-11:30am Pacific / 11-1:30 Central /12-2:30pm Eastern
With Naama Sadan and R. Hannah Kapnik Ashar
During the cold of winter, and this celebration of the new year of the trees,
we'll gather virtually, over Zoom, to explore and build on a feminine approach to Jewish spirituality,
looking more deeply at the spiritual tools that guide us to move between the inner seasons.
Bring a journal and a pen.
Recommended donation for the the mini-immersive is $36-180.
We ask that everyone contribute something.
Contribute through Venmo to @Hannah-Ashar or through our tax-deductible donation page
Stepping in and out of Knowledge:
The Garden of Eden and Haman
March 19th | 7-8:15pm
We’ll explore deeper rungs of the Purim story through a portal the Talmud opens between the Megillah and the Garden of Eden. Come dressed in something fabulous, celebrating that Esther, “clothed herself in royalty” (Megilat Esther 5:1).
In the Hilltop neighborhood, location shared following registration.
Stepping in and out of Knowledge:
The Garden of Eden and Haman
March 19th | 7-8:15pm
We’ll explore deeper rungs of the Purim story through a portal the Talmud opens between the Megillah and the Garden of Eden. Come dressed in something fabulous, celebrating that Esther, “clothed herself in royalty” (Megilat Esther 5:1).
In the Hilltop neighborhood, location shared following registration.
Listen to whet your appetite for our special guest for davening on March 2nd, Chazan Basya Schechter!
Pulling the Golden Threads
Closeness & Independence in Relationships
A series in the listening and insight-harvesting writing practice of Yemima Avital z''l, learning from Yemima’s teachings about parent-child and partner relationships
February and March Thursday Mornings
Feb 29, March 7 &14 | 10:45am-12pm
February and March Tuesday Evenings
March 5 & 12 | 7pm-8:15pm
There is a lot of belonging and closeness without dependency.
When you are not in dependency-mode,
you will flow in the right time for your life.
- Yemima Avital z’’l
Closeness & Independence in Relationships
A series in the listening and insight-harvesting writing practice of Yemima Avital z''l, learning from Yemima’s teachings about parent-child and partner relationships
February and March Thursday Mornings
Feb 29, March 7 &14 | 10:45am-12pm
February and March Tuesday Evenings
March 5 & 12 | 7pm-8:15pm
There is a lot of belonging and closeness without dependency.
When you are not in dependency-mode,
you will flow in the right time for your life.
- Yemima Avital z’’l